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NZ Wealth Planning (NZWP) was founded to help professionals, business owners and farmers across New Zealand to grow wealth so they can become financially independent and achieve greater financial success. 
NZWP is passionate about helping people reach their investment and retirement planning goals so they can live the lifestyles they desire now and in retirement.  


Contact Me

Virtual Office:
Christchurch, NZ


Phone:  020 4095 2348


Email: simon@nzwealthplanning.co.nz

Experience & Background

Simon helps executives, farmers and business owners accumulate wealth and build a future retirement income from it using statistical forecasting methods he learnt in his Finance degree and used as a Market Risk Manager managing investment risk for banks.   He is passionate about helping clients reach their full investment and retirement planning goals so they can live the lifestyles they desire now and in retirement. 

He brings over 17 years of experience working in finance roles across investments, retirement planning, financial risk management and consulting in NZ, Australia and the UK.  Simon has worked at companies such as Deloitte, ASB Bank,  Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Westpac and undertaken further specialist training in milk price risk management.  He grew up on a farm in Southland and his father’s land is currently leased to a dairy farmer.  For leisure, Simon plays the guitar, is a keen tennis player and loves to spend time with family.


Experience & Background

Simon helps executives, farmers and business owners accumulate wealth and build a retirement income from it using statistical forecasting methods he learnt in his Finance degree and used as a Market Risk Manager managing investment risk for banks.  
He brings over 17 years of experience working in finance roles across investments, retirement planning, financial risk management and consulting in NZ, Australia and the UK and worked at companies such as Deloitte, ASB Bank,  Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Westpac.

He is passionate about working with professionals, farmers and business owners to help them reach their investment and retirement planning goals so they can live the lifestyles they desire now and in retirement.  
Simon grew up on a farm in Southland and his father’s land is currently leased to a dairy farmer.  For leisure, Simon plays the guitar, is a keen tennis player and loves to spend time with family.

Contact Me

Virtual Office:
Christchurch & Dunedin, NZ


Phone:  020 4095 2348


Email: simon@nzwealthplanning.co.nz